Nostalgia: What is it, and Why Does it Make Us Feel Bittersweet?
(Freepik/kvladimirv) As some of may feel this time of year as the Holidays approach, the passing of time may bring excitement at watching our favourite festive holiday movies to get us in the mood or a warm fuzzy feeling as we think of holidays past when we think of the important people we care about. Sometimes it’s sadness too, that we feel, as we realise that a new approaching year, that time is passing too quickly for some of us when we think of it. According to Verywell mind , the definition of this feeling is “-a sentimentality for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. Nostalgia is usually triggered by something reminding an individual of an experience from the past. It is often characterized as a longing or desire to return to a former time or place.” That is the feeling of Nostalgia. Apparently, there are different types, such as positives - the feeling a Christmas movie might give you, or seeing a family holiday photo from when you we...